Keeping your Safe

The health and safety of our delegates, sponsors, speakers and staff at our summit is of the utmost priority. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present, and our team will follow the latest government guidance and work with the venue to ensure that any additional safety measures are followed.

  • Contracting covid icon

    Contracting COVID-19

    If after the summit you test positive with COVID-19 within 5 days, please inform the organisers

  • Man wearing a mask icon

    Wearing a Mask

    There are no current regulations to wear a mask during the summit, but if you wish to do so, these are available from the registration desk.

  • Man coughing icon

    Stay home if you are unwell

    All delegates are encouraged to check that you are feeling well before attending the summit. Please ensure that you are in good health, with no fever or other symptoms related to COVID-19, before attending and during the summit.

  • Plane flying around a globe icon

    Check your Flight and Travel Arrangements

    Ensure you’ve checked the requirements of your airline and the destination which you will be travelling from. Please ensure you have taken the time to read all the latest goverment guidance.

  • Hand and hand sanitiser icon


    Hand sanitizers will be readily available throughout the venue. Please continue to follow guidance and wash your hands frequently.

  • Person stood distancing themselves away from other people icon

    Be Kind

    Please be mindful of individual's personal space, everyone will have their own unique levels of comfort.